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In a new interview with Variety, Cherry revealed that landing a role in Euphoria was “the ultimate experience of a lifetime”.

The breakout star has been praised for her performance, but mocked for her appearance — and she’s not the first of the show’s female stars to face the double-edged sword of newfound fame.


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Chloe Cherry Euphoria HNX-6 Omiko Shirt + Hoodie

Chloe Cherry Euphoria HNX-6 Omiko Shirt + Hoodie

EUPHORIA‘S SECOND SEASON is wrapping up today, after eight rollicking episodes traversing everything from sobriety and toxic positivity, to platonic and romantic betrayals.

“I was already following every single cast member and as we were shooting, I would notice that I already knew people’s names on the set even if they had really tiny parts because I had already been so into the show. I thought it was so amazing — everything about it,” she revealed.

Through tears, Sweeney said “Apparently I am trending on Twitter right now for being ugly … I know everyone says you can’t read things, you shouldn’t read things, but I’m a fucking person”.



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